Friday, January 2, 2009

Wait in Expectation

Today Noe had another busy day of therapy sessions. She continues to get stronger but she is not sleeping very well at night. And she is pretty worn out. Noe is able to eat some solid food only when the speech therapist is with her. She continues to have a headache and a sore throat. They are giving her Tylenol but she is still uncomfortable. Please continue to pray for Noe's healing and complete restoration. Next week Noe has another surgery ahead of her which means another stay in the ICU. Please pray that nothing will interfere with her scheduled surgery.

Noe thanks you for your wonderful comments and faithful prayers. We are all waiting expectantly on the Lord for Noe's complete healing. The family asks for no visitors while she remains at Santa Rosa Memorial.

"Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:2,3


Lum Ohana said...

Aloha Kakahiaka,
Well today is Saturday and it is a beautiful day that the Lord has prepared for us. So many things are ahead us as he gives us the energy to go forward. Noe, going forward is what it's all about. As you grow stronger in the Lords care we continue to ask him through prayer to give you the healing that your body needs. To give you the opportunity to once again eat solid foods. Along with that we continue to also pray for Alex that God will keep him strong and not let him get weary during these coming days and weeks ahead.

May your body continue to receive the nourishment from the Lord, our Father and creator of all that is before us.


Marvin & Ohana

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation" Psalm 5:3

Anonymous said...

Noe, take One Day At A Time. That is my husband's and my goal for 2008..."Odaat," which he pronounces "Oh-dot" in the Dutch way. Even one hour at a time might feel more manageable! When you cannot sleep, focus on just resting. My dad used to say, "Stop thinking...think about blank." Know I continue to wake every night and pray for you (hot flashes make this unavoidable!) Your body is tired and stressed, but the strength of the Lord is in you, too! We love you and lift you up, joining our hearts with so many others reading your blog and sending you love. It's a new year...for healing and recovery, One Day At A Time.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear you are still in pain, also that sleeping is difficult! I hope you have a restful weekend as well as a productive one (getting better):) Was your spam breakfast good? Thinking of you a lot and praying for your recovery!
Jill, Jacqueline, Jacob

Anonymous said...

Well, you are still putting one foot in front of the other – literally now – and you are making so much progress in this long long journey. Remember when you couldn’t see the light around the bend, and you just kept going because you had faith? And now you are using that strength to make yourself even stronger. The new year is off to a good start, and it stretches out unwritten ahead of us…You will one day be looking back on this.
Now the sun is shining brightly, your circle of love will be there to support you, and you will keep making those steps toward full recovery.
Wishing you a good day and renewed hope.

Anonymous said...

Noe! Wow! You have come a long way girlfriend! I am so proud and happy for you for all of the progress you've made in the last few weeks. I took the boys to Yosemite with my sister and her boys for New Years and we thought about you alot. We went to the top of Badger Pass and said a prayer for you. We must have been 7,000 feet high so he had to hear us! We're pulling for you and praying for you! Love Ya! Jamie

Nancy Arreola said...

Dear Noe and Alex,
Wise advice in the comments made ahead of me on this post...'one day at a time', and focus on how far you have come thus far..Your Lord cares for you and everything that concerns or effects you. Right now I pray for continued healing, rest for both of you at night, so that you may continue the path set before you...
Noe, healing from the headaches and sore throat...may you feel the love, faith, and encouragement so many of us that love you are sending to you constantly!
Nancy Arreola

Anonymous said...

Alex and Noe-We will be praying that Noe will at least be able to get little cat naps throughout the day. Just closing her eyes and quite and a dark or dimmed room will offer brain rest. Being worn out is a sign she is working hard and making progress! We will pray everything will go smoothly for her surgery and it will help with the headaches. We will keep sending up the prayers for your comfort and strength! God bless you both!

Love-Gayle and Debbie Edmondson

Anonymous said...

We hope you take it easy and just heal. We love you all. Take it slow.
Love The Skinners

Anonymous said...

Hi Noe!

You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday since we heard of your illness. You will get through this, just remember how far you have come.

You are an amazing woman with such strength and determination. One step at a time is the best advice! Please know you have so many families praying and thinking of constantly.

The Goldberg Family (Windsor Knights)

Anonymous said...

Hi Noe,

I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. You do not know how much I miss you. See you soon!!

Love, Sheeda, Scott, Blake and Leilah

Anonymous said...

Hi Noe,
Looking forward to having your bouncing baby boy, Luke back in class tomorrow! Don't worry; I'll make sure he's keeping up on his work and learning lots. Plus he'll get some extra hugs. All of us at Mark West are hoping you are feeling better every day.

Anonymous said...

Dear Noe,

You don't know me but I am daily (and nightly) praying for you. I am checking your blog daily and am praying for you to be completely healed. God bless.


Anonymous said...

We love you, Noe. Every morning when I wake up, after saying good morning and praise
to you Lord, the next thing I say is please help Noe and protect her in Your embrace.

talk to you later. Aunt Mary ann

Anonymous said...

Hi Noe and Alex!

I, being computer-unsavvy at times, cannot figure out how to get to the "comments" page on your blog. But please know that I pray for you every day and see that God is answering them. I pray for your continued recovery, your stamina and patience with the process of healing, and for your family and friends as they help you through. I know your determination and positive thinking when helping others, so just use that to help yourself through this. I know God has something wonderful planned for you. He is using this experience to strengthen your walk with Him. Having lived MUCH longer than you, I can look back and see how God has used difficult times in my life. He uses them by giving me words and insights that help me talk to and aid others in their times of crisis. He is all-knowing, all-seeing, and powerful. He will heal you and use you for His higher purpose.

Keep working on healing and mending your body and brain. You're a fighter, I know--and that first day home in your house with all your boys will be SO wonderful!

Love, hugs, and lots of prayers--Barbara McRae