For Alex: I've got to remember this process of recovery and rehab is not a sprint but a marathon. Each day we are seeing improvements, but some days we face bigger hills and challenges. The respiratory therapist gave Noe another breathing test and she still needs training with the trach tube. Noe continues to be alert, yet restless. Her throat and mouth are extremely sore from the removal of the initial breathing tube. Thank you for your comments and suggestions and I am still working on lip reading. Please pray that Noe can breathe deeply on her own and for reduced pain in her throat. Please pray for a smooth road to recovery and rehabilitation.
Aloha Alex & Noe
Well me and my girls continue to pray on...and on for you guys. Wow, no kidding you got uka plenty people out there with a lot of Aloha. You know it seems some times that God puts us all through situations that brings everyone closer. Yeah we nevah know what the real plan is and if we're listening and being attentive he just might reveal that plan.
Noe, I can tell you got a lot of moms out there that have so much aloha for you, Alex and the boys. It truly is amazing that life brings much more than we expect. To think all the years you guys been up there in Windsor.....friends were made. Friends are important because they help make memories and they sometimes are pillars of strength too. You have a "support team" out here that just won't stop asking the Lord to bring you back to us all so that you can continue making more memories.
Alex....you my brother are a true warrior. God has managed to keep you close to Noe and he alone continues to give you the strength to persevere. Yes perserverance is important in this battle. Oh yeah, I like the idea of the LUAU when Noe gets to feeling better. Man o Man I can taste the kaukau already. So come on Noe....we going to Party! I can bring the rice!
So as I close this little blog of mine I will go into prayer for where ever you are right now I am asking the Lord God to continue to bring you the rest so that you can be strong once again.
Alex & Noe: HANG IN THERE!!!
Marvin & the Gang
Shout for joy, to the Lord all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Ps: 100: 1-3
Alex and Noe,
I will definitely keep praying -- and right now especially for the pain from the breathing tube to go away and for you to be able to breathe deeply on your own, Noe. I will probably not be able to go on line for a while now, so I will check with Tiff and Lynn to get updates. You and the boys are all continually in my thoughts and prayers. Judy
Good Morning Noe. I like this Marvin guy! He seems way cool and I can't wait to meet him at the Luau.
I know every day is a challenge for you both, but it is also a step closer to recovery. You are both so strong and you WILL make it through all of these challenges.
The first thing I do every morning is check your blog and I can't tell you how important this blog has become to me and so many of us that love you dearly. We value being able to check your progress daily. Well... for me... hourly. I think of you so many times every day and I hope in some way you know that (you know by your "psychic" ways).
I know this time is going to be difficult for you, Noe. But, because you are so strong mentally and physically (the physical part WILL come back with time : ), you WILL make it through this. Use all that mental strength you had before all this to get yourself to the gym to swim, to the park to walk-ski (or whatever it was called : ), to ride your bike with Julie, to run and all those other work-outs you did at the gym to get through this. YOU CAN DO IT!
You are so cute in hats, I’ve been stocking up on new ones for you.
I can’t wait to see you soon and bring them to you.
Keep up the fight Noe! I love you and miss you tons! Tiff
It's the winter family again Still having difficulty signing on to the blog but hopefully this is getting to Noe and Alex. We continue to keep you all in our prayers and We know that god will bless your family for your faithfulness to him. We are so glad to here that you are improving. We are looking forward to seeing you up and around Noe.
God bless
The Winter's
Noe and Alex-
Stay strong!! Everyone's comments on this blog are so wise and eloquent. Their words of encouragement are helping me. Your pain and soreness from the breathing tube will get better. Give it some time. Your body is healing everyday, we see you as the healthy, strong, athletic Noe that you are. Alex, you are a wonderful person and great teacher; showing us how to take care of the ones we love. I can't wait for this luau because I know from experience that Alex knows his food!!!!!
We love you both,
Emily and Don
Dear Alex,
Yes some days you will have to walk up those hills, take rests but in the end you will complete the marathon! We are all cheering for you..kind of like your water team :-)....many of us are running next to you, please let everyones prayers and loving messages pull and push you and Noe along. You all are in our every day thoughts. We know that you will make it to a complete recovery......sending your entire family a warm embrace.
Love you guys,
Jennell, Jesse, Carter, Jordan and Makai
Hello Noe,
This is some marathon you are on! Well, the Lord never gives more than you can bear. And so you keep taking steps on the long road. May you have enough trust to feel patience, and enough patience to persevere! You have a great health care team and they will be your relief stations along the way just as you have the most amazing cheering squad of family and friends. Noe, I like to think of you listening to music…it provides a safe structure for those poor jangled brain cells. Looking forward to seeing you. I hope your soreness recedes today. Rest! Recover! Renew!
Noe and Alex,
We are so grateful that you are healing. Little by little, inch by inch. Be patient. Think about where you were a week ago and you will see what progress you have made.
Years ago, I was in an accident and had the breathing tube and swollen throat. The nurse (an angel) gave me grape popsicles to reduce the swelling. It worked!
Noe - my Airport Club locker buddy and cycling friend...it's too cold and wet to ride right now anyway. Just rest and gather strength. Your friends are here when you are ready. Hugs, Kelli
Good Morning Noe:
So I've been invited to a Luau and I have nothing to wear....
Words cannot convey how much we all miss you and can't wait to see your smiling face again. Your mom told me yesterday that she got a smile from you, and I was so happy it brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you for sharing Luke with us yesterday, he is so funny he ran around in his swim trunks, one sock and a big smile all afternoon!
That Luke could be joyful was a comfort to the sadness we are all feeling. I know you will meet the challenge ahead of you with an immeasurable amount of strength, and you will persevere. Can't wait to be a part of your recovery.
Love, Audrey
Alex and Noe I am so impressed with your strength! Your love and commitment as a family is inspirational.
My parents enjoyed the play, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," thanks to your tickets but we did only use two and one was left empty for you Noe. I look forward to seeing you at school functions again and getting out on the road on our bikes:) Your new bike is still waiting for you... Miss you and hope you are out of pain soon!
Jill, Jacqueline and Jacob
Hi Guys,
I just wanted to let you know that when I was checking the blog the other day, Justine popped up behind me and squeled "Noe" when she saw Noe's picture. Your presence in our daily lives is missed by young and old alike and we pray that this "marathon" is run at world record pace! Love, Justine, Thomas, Samuel, Rob and Jeanise
Hey Noe,
Marathons are completed one step at a time. For each step you make, we celebrate! Go for the grape popsicle; it sounds soothing.
Warmest aloha,
Valerie and Gordon
Alex and Noe -
There's no better team for this marathon than you two! We are all cheering you on and supporting you every step of the way.
My grandmother in Ohio asked me about you today and said that she has the church praying for you.
Kathy, Gabe and I hold you all in our hearts. Thinking of you every single day.
Polly, Kathy and Gabe
It is an amazing feeling to know my daughter is so loved by so many. You are all incredible. I sincerely wish you all a very Merry Christmas and New Year.
I am blessed to have Alex as my son inlaw. He such an amazing person. I am so proud of Alex, Noah and Luke. Who could wish for anything more?
A mother's wish for good health of her child and family, Best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year to all you.
Mom (T).
Noe's mom, "T"
Dear Noe, Alex and boys,
Just wanted to let you know that we have been following your progress and have been praying for you all. Your faith and love of the Lord is an inspiration to us all! God Bless your family and we continue to pray for a quick recovery. Love, Kevin & Kimberly Ruybal and family
Dear Noe, Alex and boys,
Just wanted to take a moment and let you know that we have been following your progress and have been praying for you. Your faith and love of the Lord is an inspiration to us all, and we pray for a quick recovery. God Bless you! Love, Kevin & Kimberly Ruybal and family
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