This evening, From Alex: Noe is gradually regaining consciousness and responding to basic commands. Tonight she shed tears of joy as we shared with her how her Windsor/Santa Rosa friends decorated our home with beautiful Christmas lights and ornaments. The attached picture does not capture the spirit of Christmas and love that was put into setting up the lights and decorations. I am overwhelmed by all of the love, prayers, and support we have received over the past few weeks. Thank you and we love you all!!
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Earlier today, From Alex: Thank you for all your prayers and support! The Sedation Vacation was a success! Noe has been stable for over 24 hours and is slowly coming off all her sedatives and also the morphine. The neurosurgeon on call this weekend will remove the ICP monitor and suture the opening. If all goes well, she will be extubated on Sunday or Monday and will be able to breathe and eat on her own! Please pray for the procedures this weekend to be successful.
Wow! It put tears of joy in my eyes to read these wonderful praise reports. And, yes, Lord, as You tell us that whatever two or more of us agree upon on Earth that it will be done for us in Heaven, we do now just come to You in agreement in asking that the removal of the ICP monitor, the suturing, and the extubation will go well, with no complications, and that Noe WILL be breathing and eating on her own by Sunday or Monday. We praise You, Lord, for what You have already done, and for what is yet to be seen -- Your answers to our prayers before we even called out to You. In Jesus' Precious Name. Amen.
Hi Noe & Alex,
. Boy what a terriffic looking home you have with all the xmas lights and stuff. Neighbors! gosh they are super. Wondering if I could borrow them for my neighborhood.
Anyway all of us Lums continue to pray for the Lords direction and that he provides the comfort and rest for Noe this weekend. We were glad to hear the good news on the sedation vacation success! We love you guys and pray that a great weekend is in store for you.
"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." Ps: 143: 8
Me Ke Aloha,
The Lums(Marvin/Barbara & girls
Today's Daily Word - Saturday, December 13, 2008
This is AMAZING...
I just received this in my mail on this day when we have such good news about Noe:======================================================================
Through the healing power of the Christ Presence, I am strong and
I have within me the most amazing source for rejuvenation and
wholeness: the Christ Presence, the perfect spiritual essence of my
soul. This healing power enables recovery from illness or injury and
inspires practices that are good for mind and body.
Guided by the Christ Presence, I make wise choices about my
health-care providers and treatment. I am grateful for people and
resources that promote wellness, and I give thanks for the
all-powerful love within that brings about every healing.
The Christ Presence is within those I hold in prayer, and I know that
strength and wholeness are possible for each and every one. In quiet
moments of prayer, I affirm and give thanks for the Christ Presence
that strengthens and heals all.
"It will be a healing for your flesh and a refreshment for your
body."--Proverbs 3:8
Aunt Mary Ann
I am just so full of thankfullness and awe as God has shown his presents all the way through this time. Thank you Lord we will continue to have faith and trust in you.
Isaiah 38:19-20
19 The living, the living—they praise you,
as I am doing today;
fathers tell their children
about your faithfulness.
20 The LORD will save me,
and we will sing with stringed instruments
all the days of our lives
in the temple of the LORD.
Oh Noe... Tears! What an awesome sign. I can't wait to share stories with you as this all becomes history. The lights will be staying up until you come home and can enjoy them with your own eyes! Keep progressing and I look forward to visiting you real soon. Miss you & Love you BIG! Tff
Keep it up Noe...hopefully you will be home soon so we do not have to make you the talk of the town because your Christmas lights were up to long! :) Miss the wonderful joy you bring to us all!
What a wonderful way to start the day by reading this great news. We can't wait until all this is behind you and we can start training for that 1/2 marathon somewhere, you know the one we will be run/walking and you will probably beat us all! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and a true inspiration to us with your strength and amazing qualities. We love you Noe!
Michelle & Tammy
Alex and Noe,
My name is Kate Burke and Brian and I attend Spring Hills Church. We have been praying with our family this whole time thatGod's healing would be upon you and that you would feel His complete peace and love. We have prayed for the children as well. We know 1st hand how scary something of this magnitude can be to little ones. I have tears of joy myself as I read this last update. I know you have been through so much and what a testimony to so many as you lean on your faith to get you through. God is so good and NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! We will still be praying and can't wait to see you back at church!
Love, Brian and Kate Burke
GOOD morning, Noe!!!
"This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!!" This is the scripture verse that came to mind as I clicked on your blog site this morning, saw the beautiful Christmas lights adorning your home, and then read the uplifting updates! I, too, have tears of joy and thankfulness in my eyes as I type this message to you, Noe! Wow! What wonderful neighbors you have. The lights on your home are one more testimony of how much you, Alex, Noah, and Luke are loved!! We miss you bunches at Mark West!
Nancy Arreola
Dear Noe, this is Donna from our Bible study last Spring. I have been following your progress, and praying for you and your family. My brother has been in ICU since the beginning of November. His struggle has been tremendous as well. These blog spaces have immense value when it comes to prayer. Praise God for bringing you through this battle, and may He continue to hold you close in comfort and in peace.
5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
Psalm 20:5
Praise to our faithful and loving Father! He hears us and loves us so! He has been holding Noe preciously in His hands and protecting her, not leaving any bad thing within her! He is redeeming her body and mind! Father God- I pray for more of the same-total and complete healing and restoration. Continued strength and encouragement, peace and joy for Alex, the boys and their family. Lord-please allow them to feel all of the love that is being poured over them-let it go deep inside. Noe, you are strong and mighty, loving and amazing and a true friend and sister. I am amazed by you!
In His great love,
Noe, Alex, Noah, and Luke,
We are thrilled with your progress!!! You are a ROCK Noe and can make it through this. You are missed by all of us and we look forward to seeing you soon. Noah has been a trooper in the mornings when I have driven the kids to school. He misses you but continues to have a sweet loving nature daily. He asked Jacqueline how her play at school went at and continues to be interested in others acheivements, while struggling without his Mom at home. I think that is incredible thoughfulness for a sixth grader! You and Alex have done a wonderful job raising polite, sweet boys! Keep improving, we are cheering for you:)
Jill, Jacqueline, and Jacob
Okay, I'm crying now too. What a show of love from friends! Look what can be accomplished when people join together. You are a blessed family in so many ways. I'm so thankful to hear that Noe is stabilizing! Thank you for the constant updates and scripture on the blog. You keep ME encouraged! Bless you, Jennifer
What great news!!! I am so happy to hear you are making such good progress. You are a tough cookie and this challenge you're facing will only make you stronger. Whenever you're ready for visitors, I'm there!
Lots of love,
Pam (and Jeff, Zachary and Noah)
Aloha Kakahiaka!
Pehea'oe? How are you? Good morning to you all. Hope that our prayers were answered and that you had a restful evening. Praying for a great day for you guys and look forward to once again checking in with the "blog" for updates. Be strong....be patient.
Malama Pono,
Aloha Nui Loa!
Marvin & Gals
Noe, every day I check your blog and read all the comments sent to you and your family. How could I possibly add anything that hasn't already been said so eloquently by so many people. Just know that John and Tammy and I keep you in our hearts and prayers each and every day. We are heartened by the recent good news and look forward to seeing you at a game real soon.
Lynn Pizza (Tiff's Mom)
Hi Noe - Love the new picture of you! Another one to scrap because it's SOOO you!!! I saw Amber and Sky (and he kept asking "Where are the boys?"... so cute) today at Raley's and she gave me an update for the day and I'm so glad the swelling monitor was removed : ) That tells me the docs know the swelling is a done deal... Whoo Hoo! Every day is one day closer to you coming home and we CAN'T wait for that day. Our little community of Windsor loves you sooooo much and you are in ALL of our thoughts all day, every day. Keep heading in the right direction, Noe. We love you so, so much! Tiff (with tears of joy : ) PS... Cole reads this with me daily and feels for you, Alex, Noah & Luke. He loves you ALL as much as the rest of us!!!
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