Saturday, November 29, 2008

Field Trip

Evening - Thanks to the insistence of the infectious disease MD, Noe is being transported to Santa Rosa Memorial for the MRI this afternoon. The MD did not want to wait any longer before getting the results. Andrea, the ICU nurse from Sutter Medical Center, was her transport nurse. It was such a blessing for Noe to have Andrea's familiar face along for the ride tonight. We will have the results of the MRI read tomorrow. Please pray that these headaches and back pain will subside and that Noe will rest comfortably this evening. Thank you so much for your prayers and keep praying! The Lord is listening!

“Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalms 27:14

Morning - (Text from Alex) The Most recent blood test shows no sign of bacteria. But Noe still has a headache and back pain. Her speech is a bit slurred but it may be due to lack of sleep. The MD decided to switch from CT to MRI for a more conclusive study. We are waiting for the MRI tech. They also may do another spinal tap to see if the fluid is clear. Today she seems more sluggish with headaches and backache. MD will try Penicillin to see if it works better, as well as continue with morphine for pain.

1 comment:

Steve Rego said...

May the Lord ease the pain of the upcoming spinal tap...I know they are painful. We also pray for good results on the MRI!