Monday, December 22, 2008

All Things Are Possible!

Today Noe sat in a chair for the first time in three weeks. She was alert and smiling! Noe has a feeding tube (PEG) to help with nutrition until she is able to swallow. Her throat doesn't hurt so bad any longer; she now has pain from the procedure of the new feeding tube. She was given morphine today to control the pain. She still cannot talk, but she can write. Alex is finding so much joy in communicating with her again.

Noe is almost ready to leave the ICU and get into a rehabilitation program. Today, she met the functional requirements to move to the rehab facility at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. She'll be moved within the next few days. She'll be very busy during rehabilitation, with three full hours of PT a day.

Please continue to pray for Noe's continued recovery and restoration. For the past four weeks we have all practiced patience while Noe was in the ICU. Likewise, Noe's going to practice patience along this road of rehab. The family requests no visitors at this time.

Looking at them, Jesus said, "With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27


Anonymous said...

Yea Noe!!! I have been following this blog at least 15 times a day and I am all smiles right now! I'm so very happy to hear that you are doing well... please know that I'm always thinking about you.

Sandra Pompa

Anonymous said...

This is huge, wonderful news! Noe, I’m so very glad to hear you are on your way to Memorial rehab. What a relief! That’s some serious progress! Keep it up, girl! It’s such a delight to know that you are doing better. Patience, patience…you’ll have plenty of challenges ahead – but look what you can do! We continue to keep you in our thoughts daily and pray for daily steps toward recovery!!
Love, Val

Anonymous said...

Noe and Alex,
I am so happy -- for both of you and the boys.
Praise God! What wonderful news! Keep up the good work, both of you. And, thank you so much to all of you for the updates. I'll keep praying.
Love in Christ, Judy

Anonymous said...

This is great news Noe!! We're so happy to hear you are on your way to rehab and will continue to pray for you, Alex and the boys. We're praying for you every day. Keep it up Noe!!!

Tom and Winnie

Anonymous said...

I think it's obvious that watching a 49er win was the key to this recovery!!!Let the good news keep on a'comin!!!

Ron & Sande Murphy

Anonymous said...

Hi Noe and Alex,
This was the greatest thing to read before heading off to New York for Christmas!

We send you our continued prayers and will look forward to all the updates when we return on Saturday.
love to you and the boys--I am so thankful for you.

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo, Noe! You go girl! I knew you had it in you to fight with all you have. I am so excited to finally hear that your health is headed in the right direction. This is what we have all been praying for. You show those physical therapists how strong you really are and you should be home real soon. What an awesome Christmas gift. I can't tell you how relieved I am for these few days of good news. Whew! Love you and miss you and can't wait to see you! Tiff : )

Anonymous said...

Noe and Alex,
How happy we are to hear the great news! You gave all your friends and family the best Christmas gift ever! We love you all and keep you in our thoughts on an hourly basis!

Lum Ohana said...

Aloha Kakahiaka!
Hope you're doing better as these little smidgeon of words come your way.
I was blessed as I just happened to run into Cheryl about 1/2 hour ago. I was able to give her a big hug and lot's of love to pass on to you and Alex and the boys. She's headed up there to see the boys and to put some of that Rego strength and love in the air.'s sooo great again to hear that you're making them improvements! Although you're not quite able to "talk story" with Alex...the main thing is you can SMILE. And your smile I can remember it well. You know so much can be passed on through smiles such as love. We're smiling now and passing on a lot of love to you.

So now that I'm at work I will pray for you before this place gets crazy. I'll pray for the pain to subside from the insertion of the feeding tube. But most of all I will always continue to pray throughout the day for the Lord to cradle you ever so close to him.

We love you guys and look forward to writing soon.

The Lum Bunch

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are doing well! We look forward to your homecoming! Merry Christmas!

Angela & Cynthia

Anonymous said...

Noe and Alex-Praise the Lord Praise the Lord Praise the Lord! You are on your way. Grab hold of Jesus and press on! May you see his grace and mercy everyday of your rehab and recovery. We pray you will see him standing by encouraging and strengthing! God bless you all!

Love-Gayle and Debbie Edmondson

Anonymous said...

This is such great news! Noe, we are all pulling for you. You are never out of our thoughts. I know you've missed a few weeks, but those weeks have not missed you! You have impacted so many lives while you've been "asleep". I, and so many others, feel so grateful for what's really important in life--God and family and friends. You have never been alone. Merry Christmas! Jennifer

Nancy Arreola said...

Dear Noe and Alex,
I have been unable to check my e-mail for a couple of days, but you were still on my mind and in my prayers all the time. So now as I just finish reading Noe's great progress I am rejoicing with both of you and the boys!! What a special Christmas gift to your family and so many of us who love you!! Sitting up, Noe, and watching the 49ers?!! Yes!! You are so strong...BOTH of you, and have taught us all about 'living our faith'!!! What an inspiration...excited to hear you will soon be moving to Memorial...just let us know when you are up for visitors!!
Nancy Arreola