Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yellow Slipper Socks!

Today was another good day. Noe was alert and smiling. Noe had an appointment with occupational therapy in the morning and physical therapy in the afternoon. They worked on sitting on the edge of her bed and sitting in a chair. She got to finally touch the ground with her no-skid yellow slipper socks! Soon, speech therapy will start working with her on swallowing and communicating. Noe’s therapy sessions will take up a big part of her day. She gets very tired and needs lots of rest.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you." Jeremiah 31:3b

Please pray for Noe’s complete restoration. We thank you for your continued faithfulness and prayer. Noe is not able to receive visitors at this time. We pray that you have a blessed Christmas eve.

“Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand.” Psalm 73:23


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas........!
Michelle K.

mariah said...

Good Morning Alex and Noe, I was reading the Blog this morning and Aidan came in and he wanted to tell you something...."God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son." John 3:16 Have a great day. We love you.

the pardo family said...

Hi Noe,
Just getting ready to head up North for Christmas. I won't be able to check in for a few days but am really happy with the progress you are making. Keep going! We have lots to be thankful for this Christmas!
Feliz Navidad to you and yours,
Jennell and Family

Anonymous said...

Blow those therapists away with your strength, Noe!
Everyday is one day closer to you coming home. Miss You! Tiff

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Alex and Noe! I am so excited by your progress Noe. It's like an awesome present when I open this in the morning and you have had a good day. I pray for lots of strength for you. I miss talking to you Noe. Hugs to both of you and the boys. Have another good day.
love, mary

Lum Ohana said...

Mele Kalikimaka!!
Hele On Girl....Hele On! No matter what we're doing for Christmas we're always keeping you in our prayers.

Thank you God for coming into our lives and thank you God for comforting our sister Noe. Amen.

Marvin & Ohana

Linda H said...

Dearest Alex,
When I went into the hospital last year for my lung cancer surgery, my sister placed a plaque beside my bed with this inscription: "I am with you. I will protect you wherever you go and will bring you back safely to this place. I will not leave you until I have fulfilled this promise I make to you". This passage from Parshat Vayeitzei (Genesis 20:15). I have just learned of your ordeal and want you to know at all times that God is with you and Noe and your children and will see you all through. There is now a synagogue in Marlton NJ saying prayers of healing for Noe and prayers of strength for you!
Across the miles with love,

Anonymous said...

YOU GO GIRL! Merry Christmas to you and your family. We will all be thinking of you.


Heather said...

Noe, I bet that never in a million years could you have imagined that simply by putting your feet on the floor (wearing those funny hospital socks),,,, or sitting on the edge of your bed,,,,, or rolling your eyes in frustration at Alex,,,,, would absolutely "make" Christmas complete for so many folks. But, it has - it absolutely has! The fact that you are finally on the road to recovery is what we have all been waiting and praying for! Go Noe! Keep it up, ok? Stay strong and you'll be home before you know it. We wish you, Alex and the boys a very merry Christmas, and we sincerely thank you for helping to remind us all what's most important! Your impact on us all has been profound. With Love,
Heather, Corey & the boys.

Anonymous said...

Hello Noe, Alex,Noah and Luke,
We want to wish you a Blessed Christmas. We are so happy to hear about Noe's progress,and continue to pray for you non-stop. God Bless you on this Christmas. Love you all,
Paul,Janet and Michael

Anonymous said...

Go Noe! What great news you have for us today.
I was just thinking about you and Alex today as I was making (or attempting to bake) a chocolate cream pie. Remember those pie slices we shared on Oahu at Ted's Bakery. I don't think my pie is going to taste the same but I have the picture of you standing in front of the sign with your hands in the air and it sure made me smile. Don also can't wait for you to see him in his new speedo jammer at the pool. Karen, Taylor and I all got a good giggle seeing him run from the pool deck into the pool. We know you will have a good laugh too.
We love you,
Emily & Don

Nancy Arreola said...

A blessed Christmas to you, Noe, and Alex, Noah, and Luke! The miracle of Christmas is in our hearts and even though you may not be at 'home' where you really want to be tomorrow, know that the miracle of Christmas, your Savior, is with you, and would have come to this earth just for YOU. Your continued healing is a 'gift' to us this Christmas, Noe, and we will celebrate your homecoming before you know it. Keep up the strong fight, Noe!! You are amazing!
Merry Christmas!!
Nancy Arreola

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! I knew you would be smiling by Christmas, Noe. I'm praying for your full recovery everyday. You have a lot of people who love you and can't wait until your discharge. Remain strong.



Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear that you are improving every day. We all wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the Best of New Years. I think your recovery is a Christmas Wish for alot of people that love and care for you. It is ours.

Mark, Audrey, Kelsey and Riley McDonald

cindy said...

SO, so happy to hear that you are improving and staying strong. I know this is a difficult time for you and your family, and it looks like you have much love and support in your lives. May you all be blessed in the New Year and have the best Christmas that you can. I think about you every day and check in here often to see how you are doing. Keep doing what you're doing; it seems to be working. Best wishes,
Cindy Hunt

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Au-Yeung family! We join you in giving all praise to our Lord for Noe's continued progress. He has NEVER left you and will NEVER turn away from you. You are extremely precious to Him...and to us! Love to you all - The Stedman Family (Roland, Becka, Reese and Gabe)

Anonymous said...

Behold the light that is not overtaken by darkness.
Merry Christmas Noe!
may the light shine for you, and may the joy come to you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Noe and Alex,
I was thinking about your family today and was overwhelmed by what you two have created. You have two boys who are able to love and give to so many. Somehow you imparted to them the ability and desire to care for others. At a very young age they both have a sense of kindness and justice that is beyond their years. We are so lucky to have your family unit on the planet because you lift others up and make us all better. You have made a difference on this planet with the two little people you brought into it and with your own kindness and sense of community.

Merry Christmas! Keep getting stronger, Noe!