Monday, December 29, 2008

Top Ten List

From Alex: You know Noe is feeling better when she is...

10) Trying to climb out of bed and wanting to go home
9) Smiling and giggling at cousin Rodlyn's stories
8) Doing extra laps around the Rehab Unit on her walker
7) Commenting on my mismatched and wrinkled clothes
6) Sitting up in bed on her own
5) Moving her left arm and starting to squeeze her left hand
4) Requesting to take a shower and wash her hair everyday
3) Asking about how Noah, Luke and all her friends and family are doing
2) Getting me in trouble with the nurses for allowing her to get out of bed on her own
1) Thanking all her friends and family for their continual prayers and support through this journey!!!

Noe was scheduled for a full 3 hours of rehab today. A family meeting with the rehabilitation physician is scheduled for Tuesday to discuss her rehab goals and progress. We are still requesting no visiting at this time. Noe's rehab schedule is quite tyring for her.

Thank you for the continued prayers. We know that God is completely in control of all of this. If we didn't have Christ, trials as these would seem insurmountable.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12,13


lisa said...

hi, please let me know if there is anything i can do. let me know what the rehab people say. send my love to noe and tell her hi for me.

cousin lisa

Anonymous said...

Hey Noe, I praise God everyday for you your recovery!!! I can't wait for the day that we can be in Bible study again together. You are one of God's miracles!! Our mutual friend Noel Barton that I work with also wants to pass on her words of praise and thankfulness that you are recovering so well. Be patient now dear one. All good things in His time.

Anonymous said...

Alex I love your top 10 list!!
Noe, We are so happy to hear you have moved to rehab and out of ICU! The pics of Christmas w/ the boys brought tears of joy to my eyes. Everyone looks so happy in it:) Keep up the good fight and you will be home in no time. You are dearly missed. Cheers to a new year in 2009.

Audrey said...

Noe and Alex, thanks for starting my day with a smile! Sounds like the Noe we know and love is ready to get it moving. Great work Noe!
You will always be at the top of my list. Love, Audrey

Anonymous said...


Alex, call cousin lisa. i think she is the cousin down in LA - but then i may be wrong. :-)

Anonymous said...

I know you are eager to get to the luau but Noe, this is on God's schedule, not yours. REST because that is what is healing you and giving you strength. The Lord has a plan; don't rush it. It's just like a triathlon; hold back in the beginning so you have strength to finish strong! Much Love and Aloha

Anonymous said...

Noe & Alex – This list is hilarious! It gave me a few chuckles this morning!

Here are my responses to your top 10:

10: Trying to climb out of bed and wanting to go home - Who can blame you for wanting to leave after five weeks of being there? Yes… five weeks… Yikes!

9: Smiling and giggling at cousin Rodlyn's stories – Love that! Can’t wait to smile and giggle with you again!

8: Doing extra laps around the Rehab Unit on her walker – Noe, your determination is unbelievable!

7: Commenting on my mismatched and wrinkled clothes – LOL! What else can I say? This is so Noe!

6: Sitting up in bed on her own – Hmmm… Boring… But great! I know you can do way more than sit : )!

5: Moving her left arm and starting to squeeze her left hand – Yeah Noe! We all know you WILL make a full recovery!

4: Requesting to take a shower and wash her hair everyday – A shower is good, but what hair? : ) Can’t wait to bring you some adorable hats to keep your head warm!

3: Asking about how Noah, Luke and all her friends and family are doing – You know we are all better just knowing you are doing better! Your healing is what determines how all of us are doing and we are all doing fine (just missing you!).

2: Getting me in trouble with the nurses for allowing her to get out of bed on her own – Gotta love her desire to do things on her own.

1: Thanking all her friends and family for their continual prayers and support through this journey!!! Noe – Thank you! You have reminded us all daily how important and fragile life is and to be thankful everyday for the gift of life.

Love you and miss you, Noe! Tiff

Anonymous said... have unknowingly (most likely) taught us all how to be patient! Now it is your turn to be patient and let your body heal. isn't my favorite job, but I would be willing to do your ironing!

Anonymous said...

Alex- We love your top 10. My favorite is #9, oh how I can hear the both of them together:-) Way to go Noe. If Angie wants, I can cheer her on with the ironing(I don't much like that chore either)and I fully believe that wrinkled clothes shows a sign of character. I can't wait to see all the cute hats that Tiff picked up for you.
The Fletcher FAmily

Anonymous said...

Way to go Noe!

Everyday you will get stronger and stronger.

Rest when you can and work hard when you need to- they are both very important parts of healing!

Soon you will be home :)

Joel, Jamie, Alyssa and Bryan Christensen

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that all is progressing well. Keep up the good work, Noe. Just don't overdo and delay your homecoming! Loved the top 10 :)
Julie T.

Toby said...

Hi Noe,
Glad to hear the the feisty girl I know and love is slowly but surely making her way back. I check your progress every day and can't tell you how it does my heart good to see the great strides you've made in your recovery. Take your time and try not to get too frustrated, as I know you probably are already. It will all be worth it in the end. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Love Ya! Toby

the pardo family said...

Yes! We have lots to smile about today. Keep going Noe! Alex you are an impressive rock for your family and friends, wrinkles and all we love you. I am sure the thought of those two beautiful boys will get Noe out of that hospital and home in no time at all! Sending you love, warm hugs and healing thoughts.
Jennell and Jes

Williams Family said...

Great list! We check this blog every day, and it's great to hear about such progress. Alex, I have probably passed this blog address to all of MDT by now - you are all in many people's thoughts and prayers!

Alex, you know I am domestically challenged (to put it charitably...), so my tips for wrinkles are to hang your clothes in the bathroom while you shower and also check out the wrinkle releaser spray from Downy! Anything to keep from plugging in that iron! Can't help you with the matching, though... :-)

Hope you can all celebrate a very very Happy New Year together!

- Jennifer from MDT & my whole family!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
It’s still a long road, but you are making awesome progress along the way. Know that we are cheering you along with so very many people who love you! Hey – keep listening to music when you are not working hard in PT. Looking forward to seeing you – lots of love,
Val & the Mulcaire clan

Lum Ohana said...

Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
Eh..this is a good way to end and start the New Year.
Alex, I gotta hand it to you.. some great idea you had coming up with a Top Ten List. It sure is great to just hear that our "Ms. Ah Yeung is improving and feeling her oats!
I know it's been a long journey for you and a lot of family and friends but nevertheless our God and Father continues to show us that his promises to love and care for his children will always come through. Having faith in him is all that he asks when we offer our prayers to him.
Alex you are a wonderful example of a husband and father. You've loved, cared and prayed for Noe. You've learned what it is to rely on the Lord. And of course the boys are proud of their Dad because
they've seen what a real Dad is all about.
It's been a long and tiring journey for you and our prayers continue to include you.
If and when it's possible please pass on our Aloha to Noe. Let her know that we're up in the bleachers cheering her on.
Have a wonderful day and may the Lord continue to show you the path that is before him.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13

Marvin and Girls

Anonymous said...

Noe-It's good to hear that you are having times of laughter. The bible says a merry heart does good like a medicine. Alex take time to talk to Noe about fun times you and the children have had, funny times. Laughter is healing to the brain. Laughter was a big part in our Andrews healing. So glad to hear of the progress happening. We are earnestly praying for you all to see the grace of God everyday and for him to give continual peace and strength.

Love-Gayle and Debbie Edmondson

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Noe,

We'll be swimming 100 - 100's tomorrow. I know you will be with us in spirit this year and next will be with us in body too! Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see your smiling face.
Happy New Year! Joanne