Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Case Management Meeting

From Alex: Today we met with Dr. Neal, the Rehab Unit Medical Director, and Linda, the Case Manager. They both were thrilled at Noe's rapid recovery and progress. Based on the Rehab team assessments (physical, occupational and speech therapy), Dr. Neal expects Noe to be discharged sometime around January 14th! This, of course, depends on the surgery scheduled for January 7th to replace the bone flap. After a long tiring day of therapy, Noe ended the day smiling and encouraged by reading through many of the comments on the blog herself! Thank you!

Please continue to pray for Noe's stamina through rehab and the headaches she has continued to experience. Noe still cannot receive visitors at this time. Thank you for the encouraging comments and especially the prayers. God hears them all!

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105


Katy said...

Hi Noe -

You are proving yourself to be the amazing woman we all know you to be! It's so encouraging to hear about your great progress so far. Hang in there and be nice to all the doctors and nurses (and especially your wonderful Alex).
We pray for you every day.

Love, Katy, Dave & the kids

Anonymous said...

Bless you, Noe. I'm so happy to read the wonderful reports, and I'll keep praying for you, Alex, and the rest of the family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sista Noe!!
I love you and miss you so much!! I can't wait to hear your voice and see your smiling face.. I am so happy that you are getting better as each days goes by, don't push yourself too hard.. It takes time and time we have for you to become 100%... Just remember I am your sister and I am here for you and the family, ALWAYS!!! I may see you soon!!



Anonymous said...

Hi Noe!!

I miss you very much!! I love you very much!! Please take your time and don't rush.. I am here for you!! I can't wait to hear your voice and see your smiling face. I will see you soon.. I am always here for you and the family.. Mom knows how much I want to be there and soon I will..

Happy New Year!! God Bless you!!

Love you lots,
Your Sista Joan

Anonymous said...

Hey Noe -

It does not surprise me that you are recovering probably quicker than they expect you to but they don't quite know how amazing you are like we do. Remember though you can't do it all in one day so make sure you pace yourself because there is no doubt you will be back to 100% before you know it. Can't wait to see your smiling face......HAPPY New Year!

Tammy Roman & Family

Anonymous said...

Your a amazing person and Keep up the fight. We are so Happy for you!!! We are thinking of you and your family. Happy New Year!

Love, The McKenna Family
Nohl,Lesa, Kennan & Trevor

Lisa Smith said...

WOW! You are amazing, and such a fighter, God is truly working through you, Alex and your boys. Reading your blog has been such an encouragement, inspiration and testament that the Lord does still perform miracles. . . Know we are continuing to pray for you up in Spokane, Washington
Lisa Smith (Shannon Peebles sister-in-law)

Anonymous said...

Hi Noe! We have been without a computer for about 4 days and it was driving me crazy to not be able to check on you every morning. I finally had to go buy a new one....gulp! And what do you think I wanted to look at first? Of course I wanted to find out how you are. I love the top ten list! I am so encouraged and uplifted by you and your family and how God is using all of you in a powerful way. I am amazed by how many He has touched through you. Sam prays for you every night and I pray for you throughout the day. Keep plugging away. I really want to see your smiling face in January! Much love and hugs and prayers to you and Alex and the boys!

Anonymous said...

Noe, I am so happy to hear you are so motivated and even reading the comments on your own! You are a trooper. Keep up the good work in therapy:) Hey it's exercise, right?!?!? jill and kids

Heather said...


You're going to be out of that hospital and back to 100% before you know it. Go Noe!!! You are an inspiration and truly amazing!

Happy New Year to you, Alex, and the boys. I can't wait to see your smiling face!!!

Love, Heather (& Corey, Brayden & Colby) :-)

Shannon Peebles said...

We are amazed!!!! Your improvement is so encouraging. Be strong and hang in there. There is not a day that goes by that we don't check the blog and then rejoice at your progress. Continued prayers for you and your guys!
The Peebles

Anonymous said...

Alex and Noe-Praise our wonderful Lord. We have prayed so earnestly for the Lord to give you both hope and encouragement! He is so faithful! We are praying for God's continually strength and endurance for you all during this journey you are on.

Love-Gayle and Debbie Edmondson

Nancy Arreola said...

Hi Noe!!
These last two blog updates have been filled with many positives!! Yeah!! Noe, if those doctors and nurses knew the 'spunk and determination' of the woman they are dealing with, they would not be toooo surprised at your amazing progress!! : ) (That, and the many, many prayers going up for YOU and your family!!) I know the rehab can be draining, Noe, but we are all supporting you and 'cheering you on' with each step, and of course your amazing husband and sons are anxiously awaiting your homecoming!! You have a possible date now!! Exciting!
Nancy Arreola

Anonymous said...

Hi Noe,

You are an extraordinary woman! You should be so proud of yourself...your incredible courage, faith, strength and positive attitude continue to see you through your recovery. We send you our positive energy, prayers and love.

Happy New Year, Noe...can't wait to see your beautiful, smiling face in 2009!

Love, Maureen

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to here that you are doing well. We look in on the blog everyday to check your progress. We wish for you and your family to have a Great and Healthy New Year. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
The Winter Family

Anonymous said...

Yes!!! Keep it up, Noe. You are one tough mama!

Anonymous said...

Hi Noe - We are headed to Angie and Jonny's for our New Year's party. We are all countin' on you being there next year. We have so much catchin' up to do, so keep up the great work. Alex - You know I'm just waiting to bring Noe that blanket... Just tell me when and I'll be there. Happy New Year and love to you all! Tiffany, Chad, Cole & Carson

the pardo family said...

Oh Noe, I am so excited to hear a possible date...you go girl!
We all can't wait for your homecoming. Thinking of you so often,

Audrey said...

Hey Noe:

Your progress is wonderful, wonderful news! I have been seeing alot of my Grandpa Stanley, and he keeps asking me how you're doing. He has an old-timers home remedy for you, although I will caution you I think it involves a racoon pelt and a shot of brandy! Hey, at 93 he must know something!
It is so nice to hear that you are having some giggles during your days in the hospital. We all can't wait till we can have you back to enjoy the simple things with you.
No doubt you will work harder than anyone, but amaze everyone.
Love, Audrey

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! Can't wait to see you running circles around me. Tiffany and I are already making plans for you:-)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Psalm 121 ;-)

Happy New Year !!

Anonymous said...

Great news of your continued progress; I am so thrilled for you and your family!
Wishing you the best in the coming year..Happy Happy New Year to you and Alex, Noah and Luke!

Looking forward to seeing your smiling face again...

<3 Cindy Hunt

Lum Ohana said...

Aloha Kakou!

Holy smokes...I just got through reading through the "21" comments on your blog. I'm bringing up the rear of course but nevertheless the excitement is in the air for everyone who's been making frequent visits to your blog. If no can visit in the hospital, why not just visit the blog. The next best thing to do.
Oh my gosh, things are so improving for you because of your hard work and determination, not to mention the Lords inspiration as well. It's great, it's wonderful and joyfull news that Alex has passed on to us ni'ele ones out here.

So it looks like you might get out of the hospital soon. We're excited for you, Alex, and the keikis.
We're all praying to the Father that he will give you the stamina to continue improving in your therapy sessions. We also pray that he gives you the patience to endure the days ahead. Trust in the holy spirit to which he has promised to be with us forever.
As for Alex....a big Mahalo for being the supah man you are. You are truly a lover of God and a man who continues to set an example. You rock!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight " Proverbs 3:5

Marvin, Barbara & Girls