Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our Source of Hope

Early Evening: Today has been a relatively uneventful day for Noe; she is resting comfortably under sedation. The MDs tried the “sedation vacation” today but they decided to wait. The MDs want to slowly test her response to a "sedation vacation" over the next few days. If she remains stable, the neurosurgeon will remove her ICP (intracranial pressure) monitor on Saturday and hopefully extubate her on Sunday or Monday. Her white blood cell count is starting to decrease, so we are hoping the infection will be under control soon! They are still trying to keep her fever down. They are not sure what caused this latest infection because her blood tests returned mostly normal.

One of the infectious disease doctors researched Noe’s bacterial meningitis in combination with a subdural hematoma. There has only been one reported case since 1966. These two events are so rare! They also got the test results back from the clot they removed last week. The blood clot was not caused by an AVM (vessel malformation); it was caused by a bleed in a small vessel. Please continue to pray for wisdom for Noe’s team of doctors. Pray that Noe will tolerate a “sedation vacation” and that Dr. Hunstock can remove the ICP monitor in the next couple of days.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support! Alex enjoys your words of encouragement and the scripture verses you are sending on the blog. Alex sent this verse for us today:
“Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:4,5

Morning: The staff kept close watch on Noe last night. They kept her cool and her fever stayed down. Dr. Dilisio (hospitalist) will try to slowly back off of the sedatives to give her a brief “sedation vacation” later this morning. Dr. Hunstock (neurosurgeon) will check in on Noe shortly. Pray for another stable day. Alex is reading to Noe every day while she sleeps. Currently, they are re-reading “Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren. They just finished “Purpose Driven Christmas”.


Polly, Kathy and Gabriel said...

Thank you so much for keeping up the blog - we check it many, many times a day for updates. The whole family is in our hearts and thoughts, sending our love.
Polly, Kathy and Gabriel

Anonymous said...

Noe--we are praying for you and continue to keep your family in our thoughts. We will follow your progress through this site--thank you to those who are keeping us all up-to-date. God bless you.

Prayer of Hope to St. Jude:
God of hope, come to me. Help me to know that your hope is alive in me as I offer kindness, forgiveness and tenderness to others. I seek the inner calm that comes from trusting in you. Give me the courage to be aware of your healing presence. May I trust that St. Jude walks with me in times of trouble, and intercedes on my behalf. St. Jude, fill my heart with hope, Amen.

Annette Carroll and family
(Joey Carroll - Windsor Knights)

mariah said...

Thank you, Father God! Thank you Team Aloha :) I am so thankful for your commitment during this tough time.

Aunt Mary Ann said...

Noe and Alex and the boys,

We are praying for a healing and
you are continually in our prayers.

There are chains of prayer surrounding

Praise the Lord, for He is good.

Aunt Mary Ann

The biblical verses are so inspiring.

Anonymous said...

We pray for you continuously and know that you can fight this Noe with the Lord's help. Alex, The Purpose Driven Life is perfect to be reading to Noe. You are such an awesome example of a faithful man Alex!
love and hugs to all of the AuYeung family,
Dana, Mary, Daniel and Sam

Brigitta said...

Let me know if there is anything I can do, Alex. Your family is amazing and we are thinking of you always.

Luke is doing fine in school. He is a good boy!

Brigitta & Family

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting Noe! We are all patiently waiting for you. Alex, what strength you have and an example to all of us! All our love...

Anonymous said...

Dearest Noe,

You have been in our thoughts and prayers everyday since we heard of your illness. You will make it through...keep fighting hard.

Alex, Noah, Luke, and extended family...we have also prayed for your continued strength during this time. You are so inspiring to us all.

Sabrina Goldberg & Family (Windsor Knights)

Anonymous said...

Alex & Noe,
So as I sit in my office reaching for an update, there you both are!
It is now a quiet moment that I will take to begin my prayers for you both and the boys. Hang tough and be patient!

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
(Psalm 9:9-10)

Unknown said...

When I picture you reading to Noe, I see Rocky reading to Adrienne in Rocky 2. I also see Noe waking up and saying "Alex, you look so tired. There's something I want you to do for me.... get back to work!!!" Kidding aside, we are with you in spirit. May God continue to oversee Noe's healing and continue giving you strength and love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
See you soon,
Roger Dina Logan Bryce